Nov 3, 2021
Moving your loved one into a senior living community can bring up many mixed emotions- how can we ensure our loved one has a smooth transition into their new home?
Is my loved one meeting new friends? Are they happy? Who are all these new people that we are interacting with each day? Families experience many emotions when moving their loved one into a new community- guilt, relief, fear, happiness- for each family there are a unique set of circumstances that have led them to this place.
We are talking about this today with Corey Hermans -Webster, she has a unique background working in different senior living communities, earning two master's degrees, and is a certified dementia practitioner. Corrie is passionate about accessibility, inclusivity, and making those around her feel happy and fulfilled in their lives. Corrie is on the product team Eversound which is an advanced listening system that is designed to use in senior living communities to enhance your loved ones' ability to hear and feel a part of the community.
Corrie shares about:
*How families and senior living communities can support smooth
transitions for our loved ones
*We talk about the roles various departments play in a community
and how we can effectively communicate our loved one's needs
*How the Life Enrichment and Activity Departments can aid in
fostering relationships and community
*We discuss the many mixed emotions that we face as we move our
loved ones into their next home
*Tips on overcoming impairments that can make connections
*How we overcome possible Covid restrictions and safely engage and
communicate with our loved ones
For more information visit
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We are not medical professionals and are not providing any medical advice. If you have any medical questions, we recommend that you talk with a medical professional of your choice. willGather has taken care in selecting its speakers but the opinions of our speakers are theirs alone. Thank you for your continued interest in our podcasts.
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Nicole Will is our host and founder of willGather.