Apr 28, 2021
Thinking of creating safe environments at home for our loved ones is top of mind- how do we create safe spaces successfully? If we find that our loved one needs to move into a senior living community what questions should we ask? How do we determine the "right" place for our loved ones?
Today, we welcome Ellen Belk, she...
Apr 21, 2021
How do we build trust, rapport and a valuable partnership between families and care teams? Communication. When families and care teams can be in partnership and work collaboratively our older adults are provided with "purpose" centered care-- the purposeful engagement between everyone involved in our senior's...
Apr 14, 2021
CBD is a product that has grown in great popularity in recent years. There are so many different options to choose from. As a family caregiver, I have heard that there are many benefits of CBD for myself and the older adult in my life but we have questions- What are those benefits? How is it helpful? Where do I learn...
Apr 7, 2021
Currently, there are 10 million unpaid Millennial caregivers. Black Millennials make up 34% of that demographic. Millennials make up the most diverse group of caregivers and have unique challenges, needs, and qualities. It truly is "life interrupted" as they navigate this new role. Millennial caregivers also bring...