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Welcome to the willGather: Navigating the world with your aging loved one podcast! Thank you for joining us. 

Oct 27, 2021

Dr. David Bernstein is a highly respected physician who is board certified in both Internal Medicine and Geriatrics. He has 40 years of experience providing him with many opportunities to serve and empathize with thousands of adults as they age. Throughout this time in his career, he has learned and walked through many life journeys with the older adults that he served. This led him to continue his great work through writing and speaking about his observations. This is a dynamic conversation as we look at longevity, healthy aging, and actionable steps to live a happy, healthy lifespan- or as Dr. Bernstein would say "a happy health-span". 

Dr. David Bernstein shares about: 
-What is a geriatrician? 
-What he has learned from taking care of adults as they age
-The Power of 5: Five attributes that lead to a happy, healthy, and longer life
-The leading cause of illness and disability and what they have in common
-How talking about sex drives important conversation around life and intimacy 
-What are the challenges that baby boomers and caregivers face with their aging parents and care recipients and how we can overcome them 

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We are not medical professionals and are not providing any medical advice. If you have any medical questions, we recommend that you talk with a medical professional of your choice. willGather has taken care in selecting its speakers but the opinions of our speakers are theirs alone. Thank you for your continued interest in our podcasts.

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Nicole Will is our host and founder of willGather.